I don't often change my mind. I am the type of person who struggles over decisions but once I have made a choice I a fully committed. The problem I have found while blogging is that I have to make decision quickly on what to rate books. I have to figure out a rating and get my review up usually within 24 or 48 hours so I don't have the luxury of time for the full effect of a story to sink in. At the time I issue ratings I don't know if I will be thinking about the book months later or if it was a read once and then forget deal.
That is why, after much consideration, I have decided to change some ratings. There are certain books that I rated lower or higher then I should have and now I want to make some official changes and give reasons as to why they are being changed.
Moving up to 5 Star Status
The Dream Thieves by Maggie StiefvaterI haven't stopped thinking about this book since I finished it. Even when I rated it 4 stars and gave a reason the reason seemed shaky. Plus, Kavinsky alone demands 5 stars. I want a book all about Kavinsky, I love that motherfucking thief.
Between The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea by April Genevieve Tucholke I am a sucker for a Gothic novel, and my original justification for 4 stars was that the ending wasn't creepy enough? If I'm being real with myself the creepy children hunting the devil in a cemetery was awesome enough to warrant 5 stars. And while I do wish River had been the bad guy I wanted him to be this isn't an episode of Dexter. It's hard to love a murdering psychopath and I'm glad he wasn't one.
Days of Blood & Starlight by Laini TaylorI didn't even write a review for this because I wasn't sure what to stay. But after reading it 8 months ago I still remember exactly what went down and secondary characters names so I think it's time to get real this wasn't a 4 star book it was a 5.
Moving up from 3 to 4 Stars
Grave Mercy by Robin LaFeversI know the exact reason I gave this book 3 stars. Length. This book was too long but now with some distance I can objectively say this book is better then 3 stars so I'm bumping it up to 4.
Moving down from 3 to 2 Stars
Dance of Shadow by Yelena BlackThe only reason I can come up with as to why I gave this book 3 stars in the first place is that I was on the blog tour. With some distance and the blog tour in the past this book is moving down because all I can remember is how much I disliked it.
In Summary
Although I only reconsidered 5 books I am glad to have done so, it's freeing being able to change ratings rather then being stuck in a rigid number structure. Now I am curious:
- Are there books you have rated and then gone back and changed?
- Are ratings on blogs/goodreads/amazon helpful?
- Would you be for or against getting rid of the rating system on this blog altogether?
Let me know in the comments!